About Tony
Who am I?
I create and write audio dramas, including the award-winning HARRY STRANGE RADIO DRAMA, and THE ADVENTURES OF SCARLETT HOOD. My LADY SHERLOCK HOLMES MYSTERIES episode, ‘The Lady in Red’, performed at DragonCon and the National Audio Theatre Festival in 2021, won the NATF’s Platinum Festival Fan Favorite award.
Check out my short fiction in the GEORIGA GOTHIC anthology, THE LEGENDS OF NEW PULP anthology, both available on AMAZON, http://www.amazon.com/Tony-Sarrecchia/e/B00SUQP7HM. There are also audio stories on the WICKED LIBRARY Podcast and VICTORIA’S LIFT Podcast.
My first feature film, ‘Where the Walls Cry’, a supernatural thriller, is in preproduction with Scary Times Productions.
I am a member of the Horror Writers Association and the Mystery Writers of America.
I live in Atlanta by way of New Jersey, Nebraska, and Florida, with my wife, a rescue boxador and a rescue pittie mix. My favorite breed of dog is a rescue and I always, ALWAYS, want to see a picture of your dog.
Where to find me
Long List of Works
Pseudopod 942: The Sound of a Jackknife
PseudoPod 822: The Experiment of Erich Weigert
Audio Drama
Lady Sherlock in the Case of the Woman in Red, audio-drama performed live by the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company at 221B Con, April 2019; the Hear Now Festival, Summer 2021; DragonCon, Labor Day Weekend 2021. Winner of the Platinum Festival Favorite at the Hear Now Festival.
The Adventures of Scarlett Hood; Produced by the Radio Theatre Project, Washington.
Jeremiah Willstone in A Choir of Demons, audio-drama adaptation of Anthony Francis’s short story ‘A Choir of Demons’. Currently in production with the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company.
The Probability Broach, audio-drama adaptation of L. Neil Smith’s novel The Probability Broach. Post production by the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company.
Harry Strange in the Metamorphs, audio-drama performed live at DragonCon. 2016.
Harry Strange, Where are You?, audio-drama performed live at Conjuration Convention, Atlanta, 2016. Cowriter Evan Brandonisio.
Harry Strange in Bippity Bopptiy, audio-drama performed live at Conjuration Convention, Atlanta, 2014. Also Producer/Director.
The Harry Strange Radio Drama, 52 episodes. 2011-2018. Creator/Producer.
“Where the Walls Cry”, Feature, preproduction. Scary Times Productions
“Sunday Morning” episode 2 of Primrose Tales, horror short. Produced by Sawdust and Tinsel Productions.
“Grady’s Planation”, Short Story, published in the Georgia Gothic anthology, by the Atlanta Chapter of the HWA. November 2021.
“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”, flash fiction. Published/audio by The Wicked Library. 2018.
“The Future Behind”, short story. Published/audio by The Lift. 2017.
“Pop-Pop’s Gift”, a short story in the Harry Strange Universe. Produced for audio by The Wicked Library. 2017.
The Ninth Circle Vol. 2: Night of the Bloodthirsty Ghouls, novella. Published by Pro Se Press. March 2016.
“The Aquarium” published in Legends of New Pulp Fiction, anthology, by Air Ship 27 Press. January 2016.
Harry Strange in the Stones of Solomon the collected scripts of Season One of the Harry Strange Radio Drama. Pen to Parchment Press. May 2015.
“On the Road to Chattanooga” published in Fat Zombie, anthology, by Permuted Press. January 2015.