Lady Sherlock is here

My short story, Lady Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Dancing Cadavers is now available wherever ebooks are sold. But, just in case, here are a few links for you:
and, of course, the iBook Store.
What is Lady Sherlock about?
When an undertaker’s daughter witnesses her father’s suicide, she is suspicious; when she sees cadavers dancing in his morgue, she knows skullduggery is at play. She turns to the world’s foremost, and only, consulting detective to solve the mystery.
Set in a world where England and France sail among the stars in Outer Atmospheric Ships, while America enters its reconstruction period; Lady Sherlock is a non-traditional hero in a universe filled with automatons, directed-energy-beams, and analytical engines.
This edition includes the radio script adaptation performed by the Atlanta Radio Theater Company and a teaser for the next novella.